Zatôichi rôyaburi 1967

Action Adventure Drama

In a town where debt-ridden peasants are being ruthlessly exploited, Zatoichi is forced to take sides between a cruel yakuza boss and his seemingly altruistic rival.

Todos los títulos
  • Zatôichi 16
  • Спасение слепого самурая
  • FR: Le justicier Le justicier
  • UA: Zatoichi the Outlaw Zatoichi the Outlaw
  • US: Zatoichi Breaks Jail Zatoichi Breaks Jail
  • US: Zatoichi the Outlaw Zatoichi the Outlaw
  • : The Blind Swordsman's Rescue The Blind Swordsman's Rescue
Fecha de lanzamiento 12 Aug 1967
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